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Park Finder

Plan Your Next Adventure at a Colorado State Park!

Wherever you go in Colorado, there’s a state park waiting to welcome you. Mountains or prairies, rivers or forests, out in the country or next to the city… Colorado’s 42 state parks are as diverse as the state itself, and they offer something for everyone. Take a hair-raising whitewater river trip, or kick back in a lawn chair and watch the sunset. Enjoy a family picnic, cast a line in the water, take a hike, ride a horse, try snowshoeing or discover geocaching. From Eastern Plains parks at 3,800 feet to high-mountain parks at 9,500, the network of state parks offers a wealth of activities for busy people of all ages, or the chance to do nothing at all. You can play on land or on water. On a high peak or on the prairie. In the country or the city. In spring, summer, winter or fall. Download a guide to Colorado's 42 state parks.

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no active alert Yellow leaf indicates a park that is operating under normal conditions.

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